Zoom Registration link: https://tinyurl.com/227w2kxw
Bruce Cohen has published five volumes of poetry: Disloyal Yo-Yo (Dream Horse Press), which was awarded the 2007 Orphic Poetry Prize, Swerve (Black Lawrence Press), Placebo Junkies Conspiring with the Half-Asleep (Black Lawrence Press), No Soap, Radio (Black Lawrence Press) and Imminent Disappearances, Impossible Numbers & Panoramic X-Rays, was awarded the Green Rose Prize from (New Issues Press). A new book, Botrytis, will appear in 2026 from (Cornerstone Press). His poems and essays have appeared in literary journals such AGNI, The Alaska Quarterly, The Columbia Journal, The Gettysburg Review, The Harvard Review, The New Yorker, Ploughshares, Plume, Poetry, and The Southern Review as well as being featured on Poetry Daily, Verse Daily & included the Pushcart Prize. He recently was Awarded the James Olney Award from the Southern Review. Ekphrastic Poetry-Spring 2023Click here to view the results from our Exphrastic Event at the New Britain Museum of American Art in Spring of 2023
https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/xMXUN3MrZQ/dXMtOTI0ODlkYzYtOTAwYi00M2Q5LTlmNGQtMGNkMDlmZDY5ZDdh |
Nutmeg Contest Winners Announced!!
Read winning poems at Nutmeg Award (was Al Savard) - CONNECTICUT POETRY SOCIETY Connecticut River Review NewsThe 2025 Connecticut River Review is now accepting submissions. We will be open to submissions through April 15th. Submissions are reviewed and responded to on a rolling basis.
Click here for more info: https://www.ctpoetry.net/connecticut-river-review.html To Enter go to https://connecticutriverreview.submittable.com/submit
Connecticut Poetry Society